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Himalayan Salt Lick
Himalayan Salt Lick
Price £2.79

Himalayan salt is a fantastic product due to it being very rich in trace minerals. It is ethically mined from underground salt deposits in the Himalayan foot hills away from everyday pollution.

Authentic Pink Himalayan salt hand-mined & derived from ancient sea salt deposits, and it is believed to be the purest form of salt available. The high mineral crystals range in colour from sheer white, varying shades of pink, to deep reds, the result of high mineral and iron content. The Himalayan Pink Salt is a “Premium animal feed”, the highest quality of Himalayan salt available.

Himalayan Pink Salt is used by well renowned equestrian centres, spas, health professionals, and individuals for its range of nutritional and therapeutic properties.     

Beneficial Properties

Himalayan Pink Salt has a rich mineral content that includes over 84 minerals and trace elements such as: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron. This salt is recognized for its beautiful pink color, high mineral content, and its therapeutic properties. Regular consumption of Himalayan Pink Salt provides essential minerals, trace elements, balances electrolytes, supports proper nutrient absorption, eliminates toxins, balances the body’s pH, normalizes blood pressure, and increases circulation and conductivity. 

Feeding Instructions:

Hang at a safe height within easy reach for your horse or pony.

Size: Small 1kg-1.5kg, Medium 2.8 kg- 3.2 kg, Large 4.8 kg- 5.2 kg Approx

Product Ref: HSL

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